Friday, January 8, 2010

Peer Pressure

The term has developed such negative connotations over time. But what does it really mean? Peer pressure describes a developmental stage that takes place during adolescence and teen years. During that time, kids care most about two things: 1.) Their appearance, and 2.) What their friends think. Because they care what their friends think, peer pressure becomes a reality.

I tell parents all the time: "You can't fight nature." Peer pressure will occur, and as a parent you have to be smart enough to handle it the right way. Peer pressure can just as easily be a positive thing. Encourage your child to get involved in extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports. They'll meet and make friends with other children whose parents share your same interests and values...and they'll be influenced by them.

So don't tackle this problem head-on. Don't give ultimatums or back kids into a corner. Remember, we're supposed to be smarter (and wiser) than them. Good luck!

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